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Recumbent What?

Recumbent What?

Do you remember the good old days when you were a carefree kid, riding around the block on your sporty red tricycle?  Fond memories don't have to be just memories. Recumbent trikes can be a great way to get exercise, as well as relive the nostalgia of your younger years.


What Are Recumbent Trikes?


Recumbent trikes are three-wheeled bicycles where the person riding one is either lying down or leaning farther back.  Unlike a typical tricycle where the rider is seated in an upright position, recumbent trikes require you to be in a reclining position, much like you would in a reclining chair.


Recumbent trikes come in two different versions: one with a single wheel in front and two wheels in the back, and the other where the wheels are switched to have two in the front and one in the back.  Although recumbent trikes are mainly for adults, children's versions are available.


Why Should I Buy A Recumbent Trike?


It may seem silly to some to ride a tricycle, recumbent or no, but there's great value in using this particular design.  Once you've tried a recumbent bike, you may not want to go back to a regular bicycle at all!


Superior Comfort


Riding in an upright position can be uncomfortable, even if it's on a fancy padded bike seat.  Gel cushioning, foam inserts and more won't keep your spine and tailbone area from getting sore, but recumbent trikes allow you to ride in comfort while keeping your neck, back and lumbar region supported.  Seats on recumbent trikes are larger, and they spread your weight more evenly and relieve pressure on otherwise tender areas.  This means you can go farther and faster without having to visit the chiropractor afterwards.


Aerodynamic Design


If you've ever watched the Tour de France, you'll notice that cyclists are bent forward over their bikes in an attempt to get into a more fluid position.  Wind resistance and drag make it difficult to reach higher speeds.  Recumbent trikes have an aerodynamic design that lets you fly down roads and bike trails while maintaining proper stability.  Since you'll be reclined, your body will naturally create less air resistance and drag, and the front of the trike's lower height will also increase its aerodynamic properties.  Riders using a recumbent trike will find that they don't get as worn out as quickly as they would using a typical two-wheel bike.


Long Distance Abilities


Not everyone is a long distance rider, but recumbent trikes make it easier to go further with their excellent design and performance.  Just like a regular two-wheel bicycle, recumbent trikes have different speed gauges (some up to 26 speeds!) that allow you to gradually work up to longer distances, but the bike itself makes it simple because of its speed capabilities and superior comfort.  You'll be able to bike for longer as you roll across the countryside enjoying the view.  You'll still get the same workout, but at half the effort a normal bike would require.


Check out our recumbent trikes collection here!

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